Evidence search service closure information

We've now closed our evidence search service.

We’ve taken this decision after reviewing the wide range of services we currently provide, so we can focus on delivering the priorities outlined in our 5-year strategy.

If you’ve any queries, please contact nice@nice.org.uk.

Other services you can still use

NHS OpenAthens

You can access a range of bibliographical databases with your NHS OpenAthens account. Sign in to see what you can access.

You can access bibliographic databases from the providers' websites. For example:

  • Medline
  • Embase

Health Education England provides links to these databases and materials to help you search effectively.

You will need to sign in to the databases with your NHS OpenAthens account.

NHS Knowledge and Library Hub

Visit Health Education England’s NHS Knowledge and Library Hub for:

  • A single search of all the knowledge and library resources available to you, whether purchased nationally or locally.
  • Links to database provider websites for advanced literature searching.
  • A browsable list of all the journals you can access.
  • A list of all resources purchased nationally for the NHS in England.

You'll need to sign in with your NHS OpenAthens account to access the resources.

Help and support

For help and support using the resources listed here, or for further information, contact your local healthcare library. You can find details in the Health Library and Information Service Directory.